This Week on Proto Blast #48
Hello everybody! :)
This week is kinda busy. There is the issue with my Ubuntu Phone, and also, I need to pack things up for two reasons. First, Eid holiday is coming :) Of course, it is the mudik season, so I need to prepare to come to my hometown. Second, right after the holiday ends, I'll start working on a new office, in North Sumatera. Yep, I'd need to prepare for that too, of course. It's in another island, bruh O_o
So, well, this is going to be another quick recap.

Spotting Something? :)

I continued the design of the fourth level. And as mentioned in the previous entry, a new type of enemy appears on this level :) Can you spot it? Yes, that one. Is it floating? Maybe :p
Let's save its mechanism for later, if necessary, or it'll be too much of a spoiler XD
Okay, I don't think there are much to say for now. Stay tuned for the next recap :)
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