This Week on Proto Blast #119
Hello, everybody! :)
Okay~ another week with steady pace. I continued working on the opening story dialogs. Hopefully, it will be completed next week. I also fixed a sprite placement in the dialog scene. It's a simple and subtle change that matters.
To add another polish to the dialog, I applied styling to differentiate dialog and narration. By making the text italic when a narrative text is displayed intstead of a dialgo, it should help in preventing confusion when reading the story.

Hey, it's italic!

Now that the things that need to be done is fewer, I think it is better to update the to-do lists to make it less cluttered.
Here are the assets that need to be done:
  • Music: Story - Normal
  • Music: Story - Intense
And here are the game parts that need to be done:
  • Opening Story
  • Help Page
  • Credits
Aside from those, of course smaller stuffs to polish the game before release might be needed. However, we'll leave those for later after the cores are complete.
Well, I think that's all for now. Stay tuned for the next recap :)
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